What do TikTok, Armpits and Dementors have in common?

Just got off a packed London tube.

I don’t have to do this often anymore.

But if there’s ever a reminder of why I built my personal brand…

It’s not having to spend my mornings listening to some utter git BLARE his TikTok feed for the whole carriage to hear…

While having some sweaty fucker’s armpit SLAM into my face every time the train pulls into a station…

And feeling like a Dementor from Harry Potter has SUCKED every ounce of energy from my body before 8AM.

Fuck me.

Brain is nuked.

I did manage to come up with ONE decent insight while thinking about copywriting on the journey, however.

And that’s what I would like to coin…

“New Year copy”


People often “align” their goals with certain “big dates” on a calendar.

I want to lose 15lbs before Christmas.

I want to get a girlfriend before my next birthday.

I want to read 5 books before the end of the month.

The motivation behind these goals is a topic for another day.

But, the point is this:

If YOU can “cast forward” where your audience will be at that date if they DON’T make a change NOW, then…

You stimulate a much stronger desire to ACT because you have aligned your outcome with a SPECIFIC DATE they ALREADY have in their mind.

A personal example…

When I started building my biz back in November 2023 (which feels like a fucking age ago now), I set myself ONE big goal:

Be out of these miserable fucking train journeys by New Year.

Why New Year?

Because I read a tweet which poked at the fact that, unless I made a change NOW, I’d be spending the start of 2024 (and likely the remainder of it), having to spend 30 minutes every morning at my desk with my arms raised slightly to the side, desperately trying to “air out” the armpit sweat from my shirt.

Sod that.

And I was willing to do quite literally whatever it took to not deal with that shit anymore.

I didn’t quite hit it (I sent over my “I’m outta here” letter to my boss on January 7th — still swimming around in my inbox somewhere, maybe I’ll fish it out someday).

But I was pretty close.

And as a specific example of how this might look for YOU…

There’s less than 100 days until 2025, right now (I Googled it).

And I want to ask you…

Where will YOU be when 2025 rolls around?

Still facing the morning “rush”, getting more and more pissed off at the utter shit storm of cars between you and your office (or feeling the bags in your eyes get heavier and heavier with every train stop, like I used to)?


Waking up.

Strolling down to your favourite coffee shop.

Working on your biz.

And sitting pretty as you watch the unlucky fuckers who are still caught up in the “rat race” trundle their way to their office, going through their own mental battle of “when the fuck will this end?”

Because if you’d like that…

If you’d like to begin 2025 the way you actually want it to start…

Then I have all the insights you need to make that happen over the next 3 months.

And I’ll be sharing them with you at my “Flip The Script” Workshop on Sunday 29th at 10AM CST.

No more stressing about your brand positioning.

No more wondering how to find clients.

No more undervaluing yourself and “capping out” at $500/month.

I have spent MONTHS agonising how to fix these problems, and “extracting” the knowledge from the best 7-8 Figure marketers in the game.

And I want YOU to avoid all that struggle so you can start 2025 the right way.

The workshop will run, whether you’re there or not.

The only question is…

Are you going to spend the next 3 months before 2025 taking “shots in the dark”?

Or are you going to have a crystal clear action plan to make it happen?

Your “start 2025 the right way” invite here: https://www.harrybeadle.com/flip-the-script-workshop

PS. All the bonus slots for personalised profile, content, and offer reviews have been snatched up.

But there’s still a seat at the table for you.

Because regardless of whether I’m roasting your stuff or someone else’s…

I’d hazard a guess there’s still a fuck ton of insights you’ll “gleam” from this you can apply to your own brand.

Your exit ramp out of morning commutes here (remember: you don’t think it’s worth 10x your investment, you get every cent back — no risk whatsoever).