Twitter is mouldy. It's time you broke it.

Breaking the mould:

“Putting an end to a restrictive pattern of events or behaviour by doing things in a markedly different way.”

When I decided to become a creator, there was one simple reason:

I wanted to live life, differently.

In a 9-5, you get paid to do.

As a creator, you get paid to think.

In a 9-5, you get paid to listen.

As a creator, you get paid to speak.

In a 9-5, you get paid to colour between the lines.

As a creator, you get paid to shoot at the canvas with a fucking paintball gun.

Or at least that’s what I thought…

Because every time I go onto my timeline recently, I notice one thing:

It feels very “constrained”.

The box is shrinking.

And people are trapped in it.

They want to be a trendsetter so badly. You can feel it.

But the moment they dip their toe in that crystal blue ocean and realise it’s a just little chilly, they’re running straight back out for the comfort of their beach towel.


Because if you’ve ever been to the beach, you’ll know full well that if you have the balls to stick it out. To ignore the initial discomfort. To shut down the part of your brain that’s yelling at you to get out…

It all fades away.

The pain subsides.

And you can look around and enjoy the fucking awesome view around you.

This was what happened to me on Twitter (not X, stupid name).

The first time I posted a tweet that was a bit “out there”, I could feel the anxiety. I checked my phone obsessively. I frantically scanned the comments. “Someone’s gonna call me out, I just know it.”

I’d put myself out there to the world. And I was just waiting for some utter hermit to crawl out of their cave and tell me what a moron I was.

I can’t remember if they did or not.

Because the truth is…

The more I did it, the less I cared. The more I put myself out there, the less I gave a shit what other people thought. And the more wild and outlandish my ideas got, the more people seemed to enjoy them.

Because they were novel. They provided a fresh perspective. And they made people think.

And that’s all I want you to get out of this email today:

I want to remind you why you got into this game in the first place:

To think for yourself.

To stand the fuck out.

And above all, to be different.

Talk soon,


PS. I’m off to Sicily for the next 8-9 days to climb Mount Etna. I’ll be consuming a diet of 90% pizza, pasta and ice cream. I’ll try and send you lovely lot a few pics x