The root cause of your client acquisition problems

So… you’re struggling to land clients.

Or… you’re struggling to retain clients.

Or… maybe, you’re buried under client work, working 60+ hour work weeks just to keep your business afloat, and are wondering how you long you can keep this up.

Well, here’s the thing:

While you think those are the problems you need to solve…

The REAL reason you are struggling lies beneath the surface.

For example:

If you’re struggling to land clients…

That is a SYMPTOM of a much deeper issue.

Maybe your offer isn’t good enough.

And, because of that, any time you pitch it to someone in your audience, you keep hearing…

“I don’t have the money.”

“I need to think about it.”


Simply getting ghosted.



WHY isn’t your offer good enough?

Well… let’s look at what your offer needs in order to make sales.

You need a promise — “I’ll help you make more money, work less, yada yada yada.”

Anyone can make promises.

So that ain’t your issue.

Next, you need a price — “you give me $X, I’ll give you X outcome”.

Anyone can write some numbers in a Google Doc, included a price-tag on a sales page, or say a dollar amount on a sales call.

Plus, even when lowball your offer (maybe you’re even offering it for FREE?!?), you still don’t get a bite.

Price ain’t your issue.

So that only leaves us one thing to fix:

Your clear “journey”.

The roadmap you show people which demonstrates, undeniably, how you’re going to take them from A → B.

But that’s where you’re stuck.

You’re struggling to show your audience how you’re actually going to DELIVER on your promise.

And because of that, they don’t believe what you say.

So…. that’s the REAL problem we need to be tackling.

Which then begs the next question:

How do we build a clear journey into your offer (so your clients BELIEVE in your offer)?

Well… think about what a journey is:

A sequence of small “micro-steps” which take someone towards their main goal.

And how do we find these “micro-steps”?

We UNDERSTAND all the “itty-bitty” problems your audience are stuck with.

And then we fix each of these, and demonstrate how each one will take your prospects, step-by-step, towards their big goal.

Ahhhhh — now we’ve got it.

We’ve found the ROOT CAUSE of your problems:

You don’t understand your market.

You don’t understand all the itty-bitty problems your audience are struggling with which CONTRIBUTE to their wider problem.

And, until you do, you won’t be able to offer them a clear journey in your offer.


No clients for you.

Enter, my offer: my market research framework.

And, just like that, you’re actually interested in hearing about market research.

Even though, 2 minutes before clicking this email, you couldn’t have a given a fuck about how to “nail your ICP”.

The difference?

I’ve EDUCATED you on how it will help you solve to a problem you ACTUALLY care about: landing clients.

Nice, huh?

But I’m not here to tell you how important your ICP and understanding your market is.

You already know that.

Instead, I want to teach YOU to do exactly what I’ve just done with this email.

I want to teach you my copywriting process for cutting to the HEART of WHY your audience is struggling with their problems in the first place (so you can start gaining some traction every time you pitch an offer).

And then I’m going to show you how to turn this into an array of sales angles which you can incorporate into your long forms, emails and offer documents to make it incredibly difficult for your audience NOT to buy.

This is my ROOT CAUSE sales framework.

It is, by a fucking MILE, the most effective copywriting system I have ever come across.

And it works for 3 reasons:

1) It’s founded in truth

If someone is struggling to land clients, their offer may well be the problem.

And by EDUCATING them on why this is, and leading them towards a solution, we create a win-win scenario.

You win, because you fix the ROOT CAUSE of what’s stopping you achieving your overarching goal: landing clients (so you can build a profitable business).

I win, because I get paid to help you do it.

2) It positions you as an authority

When you educate your audience on WHY they’re struggling with a specific issue, they begin to see you as someone who understands their problems more deeply than them (which you do).

And this tees you up perfectly to lead them into your offer.

3) You can slice-and-dice it in 100 different ways

Look at this email.

Do you see how I could have easily taken a different tact?

How I could have shown you that your “I can’t land clients” issue was, in fact, not a problem with your offer, but instead a symptom of producing the wrong content.

That the reason you keep hearing “I don’t have the money right now” isn’t an offer a problem at all.

That you’re inadvertently attracting an audience of people who are neither willing, nor able, to pay the high price you’re worth.

And then positioned my own content system as the solution to this (which it is) because it helps you attract your Dream Clients (rather than meaningless followers).

Both angles would be TRUE.

But they target a different ROOT problem which your audience is struggling with.

And that’s what marketing is about — testing out all the different “angles” your audience might be struggling with, and then doubling down on the “winners”.

This is what I want to teach YOU to do.

Slice and dice all the various sales angles at your disposal, all founded in truth, so that you can maximise your chances of striking the right “chord” with your audience.

And while there might be a few other creators who understand how to do this.

I have NEVER seen anyone lay it out as clearly as I do in my upcoming course: Client Creator.

The beta-tester feedback speaks for itself:

This will soon be you.

Because in just 4 days (August 20th), Client Creator will drop.

And you will finally have a simple, and repeatable, framework for writing long forms, emails, and offer documents which ACTUALLY get you paid (all explained in more graphic detail than you’ve ever seen).

Join 145+ Creators on the waitlist here (we launch on August 20th).

PS. On launch day, I’ll be offering an exclusive 50% Discount to the first 50 buyers.

There’s only 37/50 spots remaining (13 people bought before we’ve even launched, lol).

I advise you to sign up today.

Because I’ll be giving the waitlist people first dibs on launch day — only fair.