[Inbound] 7 days of unadulterated personal branding clarity

Plus... what it really feels like to "build your own thing"

I’ve just got back from a hiking trip in Wales with my dad.

As expected, the weather (even in July) was utterly shite, the closest thing to a “tourist attraction” was the local kebab shop, and if you’ve never heard a Welsh accent before… I would advise you to keep it that way.

But it was still a good time with the old man.

Plus we’ve logged a fuck ton of steps that’ll keep Apple health from whinging at me for at least a few weeks (think we hit 30,000 most days).

And if there’s one thing I love about walking?

It’s the time it gives you to think.

In fact, I’ve been thinking a lot about YOU recently.

More specifically, how I can help you get the most out of your personal brand.

Because the more I go on Twitter these days, the more I realise…

Most people still have no idea how to
build, grow and monetise their personal brand

Maybe you’re wondering how to do this too?

You are? Great.

Because I’ve decided to give myself a little “project” with the next 7 emails I send to you.

In fact, you will be receiving…

Every single fucking thing you need to build a personal brand based on what actually works in real life for myself, my clients and other successful creators and entrepreneurs I have talked to

Catchy name, right? (lol)

I was going to call it a “personal brand masterclass”.

But… I just find that phrase so cringey because I really have no business calling myself a master at anything in life (including personal branding). I’ve simply got some useful insights which I’ve learned from 8+ months of obsessive study and real-world experience (and which I think could help you out).

Sound like something you’d be interested in?


Here’s what you’ll be getting in my next 7 emails:

Day 1 [Fundamentals]: A practical understanding of what a personal brand really is (none of that “Ikigai” crap that’s fuck all use to anyone)

Day 2 [Skill Acquisition]: The 5 core skills you must develop, the order to learn them in, and how to learn them

Day 3 [Traffic, Offers and Authority]: A 10,000ft view of the 3 key pillars you need to monetise a personal brand

Day 4 [Offers]: Why 99.9% of creators have no idea what a high-ticket offer actually looks like (and why Alex Hormozi’s $100m offers won’t solve their “I can’t land clients” problem - trust me, I’ve read it)

Day 5 [Traffic]: How to attract an audience of buyers with a structured approach to content creation (rather than aimlessly shooting in the dark every time you post). Plus… the ONE thing that’s missing from your content if no-one is reading it.

Day 6 [Authority] The REAL reason no-one listens to you right now (warning: I won’t hold back here - skip this email if you don’t want to feel like a bucket of ice cold water has been poured over your head)

Day 7 [Caveat] Why you won’t be able to achieve ANY of the above until you master this one skill (hint: it’s not writing)

If you like learning about writing, branding, offers and making money…

You’re gonna have the time of your life.

But before ANY of that…

Let me make three quick disclaimers:


I am currently running a last-minute campaign for one of my copywriting clients. That is my number one priority for the next 2-3 days. As a result… you might have to wait a bit longer between these emails than my typical “daily” schedule (“Booo! You suck! I want more emails, not less!” I can hear you say).


[Mandatory social proof alert so you know I’m not talking about shit I’ve never done myself]

Here’s just a few of the things I’ve achieved with my own personal brand:

  • Scaled from $0 → $15,000/month

  • Built an audience of 6,000+ followers on X

  • Hit my first $10,000 month while working a stressful 9-5

  • Scaled 3 separate brands from $0 → $10,000/month (or more)

  • Earned $140,000 for myself and my clients

  • Grown this newsletter (welcome, if you’re new) from 0 → 2,500+ subscribers

All in the past 8 months.

Plus I’ve managed become a “sufficiently proficient” writer to warrant responses like this to my stories and emails:

“This email has me shouting on the shitter “let’s fucking go”.
So pumped man 🤝”.

(No matter what I achieve with my brand over the next 3-5 years, this is the greatest accolade I will ever receive, bar none).

I say none of this to brag.

I simply want you to know that… you are no more than 6 months away from achieving similar results if you put in some dedicated effort (and choose who you take advice from wisely)

And finally…

I want to explain why the fuck any of this “personal branding” shit matters in the first place.


I’m going to give you a glimpse into the 3 key things you will notice once you finally give your boss the finger and “build your own thing”. 

So… let me tell you what really happens:

Observation #1 [Immediate]: You notice what’s “missing”

Ask anyone who has never “been their own boss” about entrepreneurship?

They’ll talk about being able to travel the world, go on holiday whenever you want, and “be your own boss” (whatever that means).

Ask anyone who has actually built their own creator business?

They’ll tell you it’s about what you DON’T have to do that really stands out.

You wake up and there’s no packed, sweaty commute where you spend 45+ minutes with your face teetering dangerously close to some fat, sweaty fucker’s armpit. Instead… you simply amble on down to a coffee shop (or wherever you like to work) and start writing.

You sit at your “desk” and sometimes catch yourself glancing over your shoulder to see if anyone’s about to give you a “why the fuck aren’t you working” look for being on your phone. But… there’s nobody there.

You look at your calendar and, not only is it peacefully “empty”, but… the meetings you do have are the ones you actually want to be a part of.

Those are the big glaring things you notice IMMEDIATELY after “going it alone”.

Next, you experience something quite “weird”…

Observation #2 [1-2 weeks]: Mindset shift

At my 9-5, I would constantly try to get away with the bare minimum.

“How late can I arrive without anyone noticing”. Dumping off shitty projects on far more “dedicated” colleagues. Hiding in the toilet to read shit on my phone (or send emails to you, lol). Even the slightest whisper of “the pub” at 5pm on a Thursday and I was GONE.


I literally have to force myself NOT to work (not joking). I could quite easily entrench myself in one of the booths at my local coffee house at 7AM, plug in a filthy house playlist (wired headphones only) and not emerge for oxygen until 7PM later that evening when I realise I’m about to have a fucking seizure from low blood sugar.


Because writing emails, creating content with “essence” (more on that in the upcoming emails), ripping offers, stacking funnels, building products and designing sales pages while in a pure, uninterrupted flow state?

That shit is far more addictive than any drug.

And that is what you will experience one day too.

You will stop feeling like you have to work, and
You will start feeling like you get to work.

Pretty surreal once you get tune into it.


Observation #3 [2-3 months]: You realise how “abnormal” you are


Some people are suited for a 9-5 (a “normal” life).

There are perks - you get a steady paycheque, you can run through each day without thinking, and, unless you are a very senior employee, the buck never really stops with you.

Some people are fine with living their entire life that way.

I am NOT one of those people.

I want to create. I want to think for myself. I want to experience flow state every single day while I build big, meaningful projects that give me a sense of purpose and direction. The more I reflect on my early days, the more I realise… my best times as a kid were when I was building something (Lego, toy planes, stacking up row after row of toy soldiers to engage in a massive fucking battle with my brother).

I don’t want something someone has already built.


I want to be the person who builds it in the first place.

I sense, from the fact you have this email open in front of you right now, that you feel the same.

You too, have an innate desire to build.

To push the boundaries in life.

To build something you’ll be able to look back on in 10+ years and go “fuck me, I did all that?”

If that that does not sound like you, then I am sorry for wasting your time today.

If, however, that describes exactly how you feel right now, then...

You are going to love the next 7 emails you see fly into your inbox with my name attached next to them.

Let’s build you a personal brand you can be proud of, shall we?

Talk soon,


PS. Still ripping through the landing page for my upcoming course. Will likely have the initial version polished off in the next few days. Then I’ll open the waitlist.

PPS. Mental note: one thing I’ve never understood is why marketers build a separate waitlist page instead of getting people to sign up directly on the landing page. Seems to me you’d build more anticipation and get more “investment” in your course at an early stage by encouraging people to scroll through all the goodies you have to offer, even when they can’t buy yet. Who knows. Maybe there’s a reason I’m overlooking.