how I escaped $0 hell on đť•Ź

When I first started on đť•Ź I fell into the growth trap.

I desperately wanted to monetize my skills, but I was always delaying until I had more followers.

At 500 followers, I told myself “At 1,000 followers, I’ll do it”.

At 1,000 followers, I told myself “At 1,500 followers, I’ll do it”.

At 1,500 followers, I told myself “At 2,000 followers, I’ll do it”.

Eventually, it got so bad that I was at 2,400 freaking followers and I was still stuck in $0 hell.

What the fuck!

It was infuriating.

What was I missing?!

And then something sent me over the edge.

I saw this guy with 2-300 followers posting about how he’d just hit his first $2k month.

Well, that was the last straw for me.

I had poured my heart and soul into growing my following and yet I didn’t have a single thing to show for it.

Whereas this random dude with just a couple hundred followers had made over $2k!

I realised my approach was all wrong.

Something had to change.

I remember sitting down that day and saying to myself “Right, no more excuses.”

You are going to figure out how this monetization game works and you are going to do it NOW.

Over the next few days I poured all my effort into figuring out how to land deals worth real money.

I read books.

I bought courses.

I trawled through resources on đť•Ź.

I spent hours and hours constructing a bulletproof offer that people simply could not say no to.

The result?

Literally the next day I landed my first client.

And since then it has snowballed like a motherfucker.

In the past 19 days I’ve landed 3 high ticket clients and earned over $3.5k on 𝕏.

All by pulling my focus away from building an audience and onto two things:

  • Building authority

  • Constructing a killer offer

That was literally all it took.

And the reason I’m telling you all this is because I don’t want you to fall into the same trap as I did.

I don’t want you to get caught in the spiral of waiting to monetize until you have a bigger following.

Because it isn’t the number of followers you have.

It’s about how you position yourself.

It’s about the authority you command.

And it’s about how you construct your offer.

You don’t need more followers.

You just need a better strategy.

Now, if you want to learn how to land your first client without having a big following, then reply “Fifteen” to this email. We’ll book a 15 minute FREE call to see how I can help you monetize your brand in the next 30 days.

Talk soon,
