Why 99% of creators have it backwards

and can't make any money

Let me know if this sounds familiar.

You come onto Twitter.

You get sold on the dream of monetizing your passions.

Of living a life of time and financial freedom.

You pick something you enjoy (fitness, writing, video editing, whatever).

And then you commit to posting content around that every single day.

You’re gonna make it.

You can feel it.

This is your new life.

If you can just stick this out for a few months, then at long last, finally, you’re going to be free.

Except it doesn’t quite play out like that, does it.

6 months roll by and sure, you’ve gained a few followers and got a bunch of impressions.

But that’s not really the point, is it.

Because you still haven’t made a single dollar online.

You’re no closer to realising your dream of freedom and monetizing your passions than when you started.

Which sucks.

To have put in a fuck ton of work and have absolutely nothing to show for it is pretty disheartening.

And remember - no matter what the hustle bros tell you, there is absolutely no glory in putting in work for the sake of putting in work. All that does is erode your limited time on this planet which could have been spent pursuing more enjoyable or more effective paths.

And it’s sad.

Because this is a trap I see so many new creators fall into.

(Hell, even a lot of experienced guys make the same mistake).

They’re engaging daily.

They’ve got the followers.

They’ve got the technical expertise.

Yet they aren’t making any money.

And it’s all because they have it backwards.

You see, your brand doesn’t start with your content.

That’s the illusion.

The one sold to you by bigger creators who have become so disassociated with the game you’re currently playing that their advice has lost all relevance.


Your brand starts with your offer.

That is the basis.

The linchpin.

The root from which all your content must grow.

You design your content around your offer.

Not the other way around.

And if you confuse the two, then I’m afraid to tell you that you will never make a single dollar online.

Your content will appear disjointed.

Your message will be inconsistent.

And you will fail to establish yourself as the default option in people’s minds when they are considering buying.

How do I know?

Because I was stuck at 2,400 followers and $0 myself.

I had the followers.

I had the knowledge.

I had the die-hard fans.

But my offer sucked.

And the result?

A big fat zero on the Stripe balance.

Of course, I did end up fixing it.

To the tune of $14k profit in the last 53 days.

But it was a fucking ballache to do on my own.

It took a lot of trial-and-error.

A lot of frustration.

And a lot of time wasted when I could have been making money.

Of course, if I’d have had someone to show me the way, I could’ve done escaped this trap a whole lot earlier (and made a whole lot more money by now lol).

Which is exactly why I’m hosting a LIVE 2-hour workshop to help all you guys fix your offer.

To land your first client.

To secure your freedom.

To start making serious money online.

Because I understand how confusing this stuff is.

And I want to end all that.

23rd March, 3PM GMT.

You will have all of the answers you ever need to land that big client:

  • How to build an unforgettable brand

  • How to become an instant authority in your space

  • My stupid simple 4-step process to crafting offers people can’t refuse

The best part?

Sign up before 7 March to secure a 50% discount ($49 vs $97).

Ready to start ACTUALLY making money online?

Secure your spot here (price doubles from $49 to $97 on 7th March).