$4M insights on the X timeline

Chazza, Seb, and ya boi Harry B

Was chatting with Charlie Bennett and Sebastian Rozga on the timeline yesterday.

Incase you don’t know these lads…

Charlie’s a multi 6-Figure Ghostwriter (and all round top geezer).

Sebastian is one of the few guys on X I still pay attention to (with over $1M in client results to his name at the age of, I believe, 21).

And, between us, I think we’ve got over $4M in personal and client results.

(Charlie and Seb have been in the game far longer than me, and are definitely holding up the fort here, but I don’t think the $200k in results I’ve delivered in my first 10 months makes me any kind of slacker either, haha).


Here’s the rub:

We’re discussing what we think separates the people who “make it” when it comes to building their biz, brand or whatever other label you wanna toss at it (versus the ones who end up in a hot sweaty mess of frustration, 12+ hour days with zero cash to show for it, and, ultimately, a humbled trot back to the 9-5 life they were convinced they’d left behind).

And the 3 of us come to the same conclusion:

It ain’t ya copywriting.

It ain’t ya content strategy.

And it ain’t ya email marketing chops.

All of these matter — no doubt about it.

But, at the heart of them all?

At the core?

It’s your ability to say “fuck you” to templated, one-size-fits-all solutions and think, critically, about how to devise a TAILORED solution to the problem staring you slap bang in the face right now.

And when I’m writing these little notes to ya every day (well, almost every day — I ain’t perfect either), that is my ONE overarching goal:

To expand your mind.

To give you just a little “peek” into how my brain works.

To encourage you to think.

Because I understand that all of the copywriting, sales and email marketing tips in the world won’t save ya if you can’t use that big ol’ blob of water, neurons and cerebral tissue sitting between your two lugholes.


Lil’ nugget:

See what I did there?

I wanted another way to say “brain” that would make this letter just a tad more interesting for ya to read.

So I literally googled “what is the brain made of?”

It worked, no?

Right. Back to the main show…


And, in the spirit of thinking

An example:

Yesterday, 8-Figure copywriter George Ten launches his new cohort.

Looks banging, ngl.

And as I’m diving through his sales page, I notice this little “gem”:


This is the first (and maybe only) cohort that I’ll ever run on this topic.

If you’ve been a part of any of my previous cohorts or bought any of my products? You know I usually don’t sell them again. Even the ones that do super well.

This is not fake scarcity. This is just my ADHD. A new thing excites me - I make a training on that - and the cycle continues.


See why he did that?

It’s because George knows who he’s marketing to: other copywriters.

And he knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that fake scarcity claims like “only 5 spots left”, “once it’s gone, it’s gone” and other low-hanging marketing tictacs (yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose) just won’t wash.

His customers have seen it a million times before.

They’ll sniff it out a mile off.

And, instead of enhancing the perceived value of his offer, it’ll actually HARM it — nothing kills copy quite like dishonesty, after all.

So… he needs to use his brain, think of a “new” way to trigger scarcity (if you’ve ever read any of 8-Figure Marketer, Russell Brunson’s shit, you’ll know how important it is to package up your offers in a way that feels “novel” to your customers), and use THAT to drive the sale.

And, most importantly, he needs to come up with a REASON for why this scarcity mechanism exists in the first place — enhances plausibility.

Well, I can tell ya this:

I haven’t ever seen anyone use their ADHD as a driver for scarcity before.

And the angle worked pretty dang well on me — strongly considering signing up because of this one showcase of expertise alone.

BUT not so fast…

Because I don’t want you to close this email with the wrong takeaway today:

Does this mean scarcity tactics like “only 5 spots left” or “50% discount for the next 48 hours” are doomed to failure?


It means you need to understand who you’re marketing to.

It means you need to understand their sophistication level.

And it means you need to understand what they’ve seen before (and what they haven’t).

Because a scarcity tactic like “50% off for the next 48 hours” would probs work pretty dang well on a bunch of single mums who’ve never even glanced at a marketing book before, and are looking to grab themselves a new yoga matt so they can “lose that last 15lbs”.

So, that’s your takeaway from this email:

Don’t bury your head in the sand when you’re next launching an offer, writing copy, or dishing out a juicy sales email.

Think about who you’re marketing to.

Think about what they’ve already been exposed to.

Think about what they’ll believe (and what they won’t).

And use that to inform the copy you write — not some shit you read from a 16 year old kid on TikTok.

See how this whole “copywriting” game ain’t quite as “sell the benefits, not the features” after all?

Talk soon,


PS. Last 24 hours to tell me what you want to see inside my upcoming email marketing course.

Remember: I’m building this for YOU.

You get to decide what email “gems” I pack inside, based on what you need most help with.

Takes 30 seconds for you to fill out.

But could be all the difference between you finally opening up a product that feels like you’ve just walked into an exam with the cheat codes tucked up your sleeve (versus opening the paper to realise you are, well… fucked).

PPS. Go follow senor Bennett and Rozga on X. They’re good lads. And they’ll make you more money.