The 4 components of an irresistible offer


It’s everyone’s favourite topic right now.

And for good reason.

Because if you don’t have a good offer, then, quite frankly, you’re wasting your fucking time.

No matter how much knowledge or skill you have, if you don’t know how to FRAME this in an attractive way then no one is gonna buy your stuff.

Now, I won’t claim to know everything about offers.

After all, I’m still less than 3 months into building my online business.

But I think it’s fair to say I’ve seen more success than most during my short time in this game so far.

(I’m closing in on my first $4k month in just 80 days on X…)

And a big reason for my success is that I know how to craft attractive offers.

So I thought I’d use this email to share with you the 4 components that will turn your offer into gold dust.

The type of offer that people just can’t refuse.

Right, let’s go.

1) Actions + Benefits + Timeframe

Compare the following:

“I ghostwrite for CEO’s” (I see this type of thing far to often…)


“I’ll write 3 tweets a day, 5 long forms and one newsletter article for your business each week grow your Twitter reach by 1,000+ new followers over the next 60 days.”

Which one would you pick, lol?

See how specifying the ACTIONS you will take (tweets, newsletter etc.) PLUS the BENEFITS the person will receive (increased social media reach) PLUS the TIMEFRAME (60 days) makes the offer so much more appealing?

In addition, your offer must also pass the “No context” test?

What do I mean by this?

It means that someone with no knowledge of who you are should be able to look at your offer and clearly understand what you are offering.

Compare the following:

“Build a killer personal brand” does not pass the no context test.

“Land your first ghostwriting client in the next 30 days” does.

The first one is intangible - what the fuck is a “killer” brand.

The second one is tangible - you can quantify landing a client.

And, as such, the second is a far more appealing offer.

2) Pricing ladder

Most people assume other people hate paying.

But that’s not true.

Think about how many subscription services you no longer use but are still coming your bank account each month.

It isn’t the paying people hate.

It’s the initial commitment.

Once they’ve got accustomed to paying, they’re more than happy to continue.

That’s why it’s a good idea to set up your pricing structure with a low fee initial commitment.

Then you can upsell later once someone has gotten over the initial hurdle of paying you and seen how good your services are for themselves.

So start out by offering someone a small initial payment with a recurring piece.

You’ll make more money this way than if you try to convince people to pay a whole boatload upfront.

It just takes more time this way, and most people are impatient AF.

3) Guarantee

Guarantees are so powerful.

They immediately sweeten the deal for the client.

Even if you and they both know there’s a 99% chance they’re never actually going to cash in on that guarantee.

But most people get guarantees in their offer wrong.

They hear “I need to offer a guarantee” and they immediately think “money-back guarantee”.

This might work fine for a course or a product you’re offering.

But it certainly isn’t what I’d recommend for a service-based offer.

Money-back guarantees for service-based work can become a huge headache if you’re unfortunate enough to land a client who turns out to be a “squeezer”.

A squeezer is someone that will try to eek every last ounce out of your offer before paying even when you’ve already delivered far and beyond on your original promise.

That’s why for something like a ghostwriting service, I’d suggest you offer a guarantee like this:

“If you don’t gain 1,000+ new followers in the next 60 days, you’ll get 24/7 Telegram access to me until you do.”

This is far lower commitment on your part.

But still shows a decent chunk of goodwill to your potential client that you’re not going to leave them high and dry.

4) Reason to buy now + FOMO

This is the biggest piece.

Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. (Newton’s 1st law babyyyyy)

Your leads / clients are no different.

Unless you give people a reason to buy now and create a sense of FOMO in their minds, they never will.

How do you do this?

  • Limit your spaces (“only 2/5 spots remaining”)

  • Future price increases (“price increases by $150 in 7 days time”)

  • Add a limited time offer (“buy in the next 7 days and I’ll throw in 4 additional long form reviews each month”)

These are just ideas.

Be creative and think of how to apply these to your specific offer.

Now, I know what you’re thinking.

This all sounds fine and dandy, Harry.

But how do I make this work for my offer so I can start landing clients and escape the 9-5 life like you’re doing?

Well, over the course of February I’m committing to helping 10 of you guys craft your high ticket offer.

You’ll get access to a 1-on-1 call with me where I’ll show you exactly how to land your first $1k+ client and join me on the path to financial freedom.

Doors will officially open on Monday 5th February.

However, the investment for anyone who locks in their spot before this date will only be $149 as opposed to the full charge of $249.

Reply to this email with “Offer” before 5 Feb if you want to reserve your spot for this earlybird deal.

I’ll reply to you within 24 hours

Talk soon,
